Fireworks Display

As we prepare to welcome the year 2021, it’s probably fair to say, that for most, 2020 has been more than a little tough.

However, we must take a few moments to think of the positive things that did happen.

We saw the kindness and generosity of so many people helping out those who were struggling. The community spirit that appeared. Shopping for others. Meeting neighbours. Clapping for carers. Endless generous donations to community funds and charity’s.

We must also surely take time to recognise those key workers that kept the country running. From the Bus drivers to the shop workers. Bin men to utility workers. Lorry drivers to the emergency services. The list is too great to mention them all. Our thanks must surely be expressed to them all.

Then there is the NHS. The biggest shout of gratitude must surely go out to the NHS and all those that make it such a world leading, caring organisation. It must surely have been the toughest and most challenging year for all the members of this most cherished British organisation. To all those NHS workers, we must say Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.

We are truly blessed in the UK to have the NHS.

Fireworks Display

Happy New Year

All of us at Nottingham Hospitals Radio would like to wish all the patients, carers, staff and volunteers of our own little bit if the NHS, Nottingham University Hospitals a very Happy New Year.

We recognise that there is still a mountain to climb, but we are confident that 2021 will see us well on the road to recovery in more ways than one.

We wish you all health and happiness.

Happy New Year

Nottingham Hospitals Radio.


Photo by Carson Arias on Unsplash


NHR depends on the generosity of the general public in order to provide our service. Big or small. Regular or one off. They all make a massive difference.